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Cure For Bad Breath - Tips For an Effective Bad Breath Treatment

Are you one of the many people who have halitosis? If you are, then you would find an effective cure for bad breath a welcome relief since you are most likely embarrassed by the disgusting odor coming from your mouth. In order to spare yourself this humiliation, I am certain that you have tried desperately to find a halitosis treatment. I understand that finding a way to get rid of halitosis can be frustrating and time-consuming. To save you some time, I will provide some effective tips for a cure for halitosis over the next several paragraphs.
One of the causes of bad breath are the bacteria that feed on the leftover food particles in your mouth. This will result in the release of disgusting smelling volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) which can make your breath smell rank. Therefore, one way to get rid of bad breath is to practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing after every meal. Doing this will reduce the amount of food remnants the bacteria can feast on. There might also be some food left on your tongue so using a tongue scraper to remove it would also be useful.
One cure for smelly breath is to cut sugar out of your diet. This means that you should not consume any types of gums, mints, or candies that has any sugar in them. The reason for this is that the bacteria in your mouth can use sugar to reproduce and this will increase the production of foul smelling VSCs.
Another cure for halitosis is to not consume anything that contains a high level of acid. Highly acidic foods or drinks can make the bacteria in your mouth reproduce at a faster rate which will leave a bitter aftertaste and cause your breath to smell disgusting. Items to avoid include caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, and tomatoes. Instead of coffee, you can always drink some tea which is less acidic.
Dry mouth is one of the causes of bad breath. It can cause bacteria to reproduce more quickly. If you do not drink enough water, then dry mouth is probably the reason for your disgusting breath. A bad breath treatment for this situation is to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Water will flush out any remaining food particles and keep your mouth moist.
I know many people will want to use a commercial mouthwash as a halitosis treatment. Surprisingly, most commercial mouthwashes may actually make your breath smell even worse. This is because they contain alcohol which can cause your mouth to dry up. You can make a mouthwash at home that would be a more effective cure for bad breath. You can do this by pouring some salt into a glass of warm water and gargling with this mixture.

Natural Bad Breath Remedies - Stop Worrying about Bad Breath With 3 Tips

I recently met with a friend who had a problem... a bad breath problem. My friend Jayme asked me for some simple remedies for curing her bad breath. But the thing I remember most about the 10 minute conversation was her look as she confessed, "I would give anything to stop my bad breath permanently." I could tell by the look in her eyes she felt everything from embarrassment to humiliation. Moments later, she admitted to even excusing herself from social events to rinse out her mouth on a daily basis. Bad breath was ruining her life!
Can you relate to Jayme? Have you experienced the embarrassment, frustration or humiliation that goes along with bad breath? If you have, I would encourage you to keep hope! Jayme had hope after our conversation and after almost 8 months, she is halitosis-free and couldn't be happier. Are you ready to be the next ex-halitosis sufferer by learning simple natural bad breath remedies?
The Cause of Bad Breath
To discover the cure for bad breath; you must first understand the cause. In the most common forms of bad breath, halitosis odor comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth, usually from the back part of the tongue. Microorganisms in the mouth break down proteins and produce the foul smelling gasses.
If you take a flashlight and look at the back of your tongue, you might notice the whitish or yellowish substance on your tongue. You are looking at a Petri dish of halitosis causing bacteria. But you can cure this... In fact there are numerous natural bad breath remedies which are as simple as better hygiene, better hydration and halitosis-free nutrition.
Natural Bad Breath Remedies
My friend Jayme did discover what worked for her bad breath problem, and you can too! Jayme was simply using improper hygiene techniques. Instead of daily using proper tongue cleaning techniques, Jayme was popping mints and chewing gum on an hourly basis. In fact, Jayme thought brushing and rinsing was the only thing needed for clean breath. Unfortunately, bad breath is more complicated than brushing and chewing on gum. After sharing a few suggestions and giving her our Natural Bad Breath Report, Jayme also discovered how her diet was also impacting her halitosis problem too! Typically, most bad breath problems are corrected with these 3 Natural Bad Breath Remedies!
1. Use your toothbrush (dipped in mouthwash) to gently brush your tongue off. Remember to do this daily while also using gentle strokes. After a rinse with mouthwash, your tongue should have its natural pinkish color.
2. Buy a tongue scraper! Use this handy tool to scrape off the unwanted yellowish substance on your tongue. Again, a quick rinse of mouthwash will help tons.
3. Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day! Begin to lower your intake of soda, coffee and tea. Naturally, your body needs water and will begin to work properly if given adequate amounts.

How to Cure Bad Breath in 3 Days

As most of us have experienced, bad breath is both annoying and disturbing for both you and the people you interact with. Let's just take a look at some of the situations in which bad breath can spell disaster:
- Job interviews 
- Business meetings 
- Social interaction at work 
- Dating 
- Any first impression

Bad breath is not just annoying and inconvenient. It can prevent you from getting a job, it can ruin your date and people will always keep their distance to you in social situations. See the problem? Of course, there are cures out there: chewing gum, mouth wash and even alcohol. However, these «cures» only work in the short term and doesn't deal with the cause of the problem. I'll get back to this later in this article.
Let's first take a look at what's causing bad breath: bacteria. The average human mouth is literally infested with bacteria: some are good for your breath, but some can cause havoc to it. These bacteria can be divided into two categories: the aerobic bacteria and the anaerobic bacteria.
The aerobic bacteria are good for your overall health and thrive in oxygen-rich environments, while the anaerobic bacteria thrive in oxygen-poor environments. Studies have shown that anaerobic bacteria are the bad guys behind almost 90 % of all bad breath problems.
The reason is quite simple. These bacteria produce waste products in your mouth known as sulfur compounds. It's these compounds that produce that foul odor known as bad breath or halitosis, as a dentist would call it.
Most of the bad breath remedies on the market today are designed to kill these anaerobic bacteria, using chemicals like:
- Oxychlorine 
- Chlorine dioxide 
- Zinc compounds 
- Alcohol and other similar antiseptics

However, while killing off the anaerobic bacteria in your mouth, these chemicals also tend to cause dehydration in your mouth. Saliva is the body's natural defense against the very same bacteria because it is oxygen-rich and therefore makes the going tough for the bad breath bacteria. When your mouth is dehydrated by these chemicals, it can actually make the problem worse in the long term! If you really want to get rid of halitosis, you will need to control the anaerobic bacteria without dehydrating the mouth and robbing it of saliva. Ironically, this rules out most of today's remedies against bad breath.

7 Easy Tips To Cure Bad Breath

Halitosis is an extremely common infliction that effects thousands of people. Bad breath can cause you all sorts of problems from low self esteem to confidence issues. It doesn't have to be this way.
There are certain things you can do to minimize bad breath and in some cases illuminate it all together. Is bad oral hygiene spoiling your life? If it is then read on and find out how you can get rid of it. Below are seven ways to cure bad breath.
1. Identify the cause. In most cases, halitosis is caused by something specific. Find the cause of your bad breath and sort it out. Halitosis isn't just caused by an unclean mouth.
2. Brush regularly. It sounds like an obvious statement but you need to brush your teeth regularly and with a good toothbrush. A good electric toothbrush will certainly help your problem and will allow you to give your tongue a good clean.
3. Drink plenty of water. Water is essential to all life but by drinking plenty of water you are constantly cleaning your mouth. Another method of natural mouth cleansing is eating apples. The texture of the apple and chemicals in the fruit will clean your teeth. In fact most fruits will have the same effect.
4. Stop smoking. Smoking makes your breath smell. It is that simple. Stopping smoking is something that you can do to stop your breath smelling but it will also offer you a much better quality of life.
5. Avoid strong foods. Strong foods like garlic or chilli are an obvious source of bad breath. Avoid these foods but if you are eating them then drink plenty of water to wash down the ingredients involved.
6. Check for infections. Your bad breath may be caused by an infection. You may need antibiotics or some other treatment. If this is the cause then it is an easy fix.
7. Ask your dentist. Dentists or dental hygienists are there specifically for this kind of problem. Don't be embarrassed, approach your dentist. These are professionals and will probably have seen the problem hundreds of times in the past. The dentist will be able to advise a good solution to your problem.
Bad breath doesn't need to ruin your life, in most cases it can be cured. And in most cases the solution is something as simple as changing your brushing habits or drinking a lot more water.

The Halitosis Or Bad Breath

Halitosis is the offensive odor emanating from the mouth. It is often an embarrassing condition. Bad breath may be a warning sign of other health problems. Majority of the people suffers from mild halitosis at times, but when the problem becomes permanent, a doctor needs to be consulted. Halitosis may result from intra oral or extra oral reasons.
Intraoral causes for bad breath include; poor oral hygiene, dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, food stagnation in the interdental space, eating foods like raw onion and garlic, xerostomia or dry mouth, tonsillitis, systemic diseases like cancer, diabetes, kidney disorders, etc.
Extra oral sources of halitosis are bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, gastritis, etc.
Testing for halitosis can be done at home. Exhaling after covering the mouth and nose with hand gives a bad smell if you have halitosis. Many people may have bad breath only in the morning. It is because of the reduced salivary flow during sleep and goes off after brushing teeth. Long term smoking can also cause halitosis.
Regular check ups with a dentist is needed to find out the exact cause of bad breath. If you have persistent halitosis, keep a list of food you eat and medications you consume. Inform your dentist regarding recent surgeries that you underwent. If the cause of halitosis is not intraoral, the dentist refers the patient to a general physician for further tests.
Treatment of halitosis is planned after the proper diagnosis of the cause. Maintaining good oral hygiene, eliminating dental diseases and regular cleaning of teeth are necessary for eliminating mouth odor. Brushing the teeth twice a day and cleaning mouth after every meal helps to reduce bad breath. Dental hygienist recommends using a brush to clean the tongue as there may be many bacteria present between the papillae of the tongue. Mouth rinses give additional protection against microorganisms. Dental flosses can be used to clean the interdental spaces. Quit tobacco chewing and smoking. Ask your GP for some tricks to kick out this habit.

6 Signs Of Halitosis To Look Out For

Halitosis, or bad breath, is something that none of us want to have. However, it does occur quite often even if our oral hygiene standards are quite high. There are certain signs that one may be suffering from halitosis, and these have been outlined below:
Dry Mouth
One of the important signs of halitosis is dry mouth. It is generally caused by lack of salivation, and the root cause for this is usually dehydration. Medication can also cause this kind of dryness in the mouth; smoking and continuously breathing through the mouth are also known to cause dryness, leading to bad odors.
Dental Problems
These signs can be caused by any number of conditions from dirty dentures to cavities to plaque and gum disease. Good oral care can get rid of these problems, and regular visits to the dentist (at least every six months) are essential.
A variety of diseases also have halitosis as one of their symptoms. Kidney or liver problems, diabetes, lung diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinus problems and many other diseases could be the root cause of this. In such cases, a general checkup is highly recommended if repeated trips to your dentist are unable to address the cause of halitosis.
Certain foods, such as garlic or onions, tend to remain in the system until they are completely flushed out. Therefore, it is natural that the compounds giving off these smells reach your lungs and, thereby, your breath, leading to halitosis. The only way around this is to avoid these foods completely, or take breath mints after eating strong-smelling foods.
Tongue Hygiene
A normal tongue is pink in color, and shiny. If you see a white coating on the tongue, or if it looks dry, this could be the cause of halitosis. Regularly cleaning your tongue is highly recommended, because this can prevent bacterial growth to a great extent. Visit your dentist to see what solutions are available to you for tongue cleaning. Some toothbrushes also have tongue cleaners on the reverse side so you may not need to buy a separate tongue scraper.
People's Reactions
Although this is not the best way to find out that you have bad breath, it is often the only way people find out. If you're talking to someone and they cringe or back away, and this happens more than once, then go to your dentist to see if you have halitosis. Unfortunately, body odor can also cause these reactions in people, so make sure that isn't the problem.
Halitosis can have tremendous social impact on people, especially youngsters whose friends aren't as forgiving or discreet as adults. If you have a child suffering from such a condition, don't waste time in taking them to the dentist at the earliest opportunity. This is not something that a person has to live with because once the problem has been identified, there are numerous methods to get rid of the problem or at least mask it so it doesn't get in the way of your social life. Remember: oral hygiene is the best preventive measure so if you don't follow a proper regime, it's time to change.

How to Fight Bad Breath

Halitosis commonly known as bad breath is a very embarrassing disease. Most people with bad breath are not aware of their problem but the people around them certainly know and just embarrass to tell them. The reaction of people around you when you speak or open your mouth will somehow give you a hint if you have a bad breath problem. However, there are tests for bad breath that you can do, one test is lick the back of your wrist and let it dry for a minute or two and then smell it. Another way is to scrape the back of your tongue with an inverted spoon and smell the thick whitish dried residue. How it smells is most likely the way your breath smells to others. If you have a bad breath it is important to know how to fight bad breath.
To know how to fight bad breath, first you have to know the causes of bad breath. Bad breath is caused by accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. There are more than 600 types of bacteria present in the mouth which has the tendency to overpopulate due to food debris and other factors like gum problems and tooth decay. Accumulation of anaerobic bacteria on the posterior of the tongue, gums and teeth when mixed with mouth air and exhaled create foul odor or bad breath. There are two types of bad breath namely transient and chronic bad breath. Transient bad breath is caused by poor mouth hygiene, oral dryness or by eating certain foods like onion and garlic. Transient bad breath usually disappears on its own or by improved oral hygiene. Chronic bad breath is more serious and caused by continuous accumulation of bacteria and needs specialized treatment. It is important to know how to fight bad breath even before it becomes chronic bad breath.
Learn how to fight bad breath before it becomes a social stigma or before it affects your relationship with people. Number one on how to fight bad breath is proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth religiously every morning and after every meal including your tongue where bacteria are more likely to accumulate. Be careful with what you eat, there are foods that causes bad breath like onions and garlic. Drink a lot of water, proper hydration prevents bad breath and accumulation of bacteria. Have a dental check up every 6 months to avoid tooth decay.
Proper oral hygiene alone sometimes doesn't work on people with chronic bad breath. If you happen to follow all the oral hygiene mentioned and after bad breath testing you believe that you still have a bad breath or someone told you that you do have a bad breath, you should act on this at once before it could affect your social life. Finding how to fight bad breath and get rid of bad breath for good is something you should not ignore. It's better to act on this now than suffer the effects of bad breath in your life.
How to fight bad breath? Did you know that there are people who used to have bad breath and now totally cured their bad breath? You can get rid of bad breath almost overnight, even if everything you tried before failed miserably. Imagine having such fresh breath and so much self confidence that you'll be able to speak just inches away from anyone's face or kiss that special someone without worrying about bad breath.

Tips to Rid Your Mouth of Bad Breath

We all get bad breath from time to time, but if loved ones are complaining about the way your mouth smells, chances are good that your co-workers are also getting an unpleasant whiff when you're nearby. Not only is bad breath (or halitosis, as the condition is known medically) embarrassing, it can be hurtful, especially if your significant others are recoiling from you each time you try to get intimate.
Fortunately, there are some simple fixes and behavior adjustments that can help you control the odors from your mouth. Here are a few tips:
Stay hydrated
The dreaded morning breath stink that we're all accustomed to is often a result of
sleeping with your mouth gaping open. A dry mouth (xerostomia) or problems with salivary glands means there's less saliva around to naturally cleanse our teeth, gums, tongues and cheeks of dead cells, acid and plaques that have accumulated.
Decomposition of these cells can lead to foul odors when we exhale. Drinking more water and chewing sugarless gum throughout the day can stimulate saliva production and wash away those particles.
Target your tongue
A twice-daily oral hygiene might include brushing and flossing, but are you ignoring your tongue? There are billions of bacteria on its surface and although bad breath isn't exactly visible, the forming of a yellow or brown film on the tongue can be a solid indicator of nasty odors. A good way to eliminate bad breath is to add tongue scraping to your regular oral hygiene routine or to brush your tongue.
Watch your diet
Obviously, the common culprits contributing to nasty breath are foods such as onions, garlic and coffee. To combat bad breath with food, choose fresh and fibrous and abrasive foods like celery, apples and carrots, which will also help to dislodge food particles from your teeth. Vitamin C-rich foods such berries, melons and citrus foods like oranges also help to sterilize our mouths and prevent bacteria production.
Stop smoking
Quitting tobacco products is a good start if you want to ward off objectionable breath. Smoking cigarettes can cause plaque buildup. Repetitive inhalation of hot gases can also dry out your tongue and pungent chemicals from the cigarette may also linger inside your mouth. Smokers are also more susceptible to periodontal disease and gingivitis.
Swing by the dentist's office
Mouthwashes and mints may only go so far to mask offensive smells. If you followed the above steps and you still suffer from bad breath, a professional cleaning at the dentist may be in order. Regular dental checkups may also lead to the diagnosis of a medical disorder that may be linked with bad breath free such as acid reflux.

All About Bad Breath, its Symptoms & Prevention

Bad breath (or halitosis medical term root from Latin) can be a serious handicap on your social or business life. It is a source of embarrassment and shame. Bad breath or halitosis has been a problem for mankind since the beginning of most of recorded history. Never before have there been effective treatments for this condition until now. Latest technology promises the Dentists to measure the extent of Bad breath by an instrument named the "Halimeter".
Most people will notice the advertising media is saturated with products promoted to help with this condition. Most, if not all of them, really do not work very long and some make the problem worse. Alcohol based mouthwashes can, for example, dry out the tissues in the mouth and cause the tissues to secrete plasma proteins which worsen the condition over time. Odors coming from the stomach are almost never the cause of chronic bad breath.
It is estimated by many experts in the field that 85% to 90% of the bad breath conditions come from sources in the mouth. Many products are marketed for the treatment of bad breath. These products include: Alcohol Mouth washes, Special Cosmetic Toothpastes, Brushing with Baking Soda, Mouth Sprays, mints and gums which only temporarily treat the problem.
Some people have found that the elimination of all dairy products can help with the control of bad breath odors. A few others have found the elimination of all soy products to help. To prevent the Bad breath the following will be the tips like Use a tongue cleaner, avoiding coffee, Cleaning mouth after eating milk products, fish and meat and Eat fresh, fibrous vegetables.
It is not correct to say that it is primarily caused by gum diseases as some will tell you. If periodontal disease (Gum disease) is present as a cause, some of the pockets around the teeth must be cleaned out to rid the source of bacteria putrefaction causing odor and disease there. The periodontal disease must be treated by a Dentist or Periodontist.

Tips How to Prevent Dragon Breath

An estimated 35 per cent of the world's populations suffer from halitosis, more commonly known as chronic bad breath or simply known as Dragon Breath.

N E W - Rapid Dental Remedies or also known as Dragon Breath is an embarrassing problem and many of us would have suffered from it at some point in our lives and affects millions of people everyday. Just because bad breath is a common problem, it doesn't mean you have to live with it.

ollow these tips to assist you prevent bad breath as well as keep your mouth healthy on a daily basis:

1.     Visit Your Dentist at least twice a year
      Visit your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning and checkup. This is the best way to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene.

2.     Brush your teeth at least Twice a Day
      Experts recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and ideally after meals or snacks using fluoride-containing toothpaste. Brushing is imperative to remove remaining food particles in the mouth and around teeth. Those particles can collect bacteria and cause bad breath.

To keep your breath fresh between brushing try:
ü Rinsing your mouth with water after eating if
   unable to brush
ü Chewing sugarless gum to stimulate saliva
   flow, which naturally cleanses teeth
Take celery, carrots or apples, which might assist to loosen food debris while chewing

3.     Floss your teeth daily
     All the tight spaces between your teeth or the areas under your gum line can't reach by the toothbrush. Flossing removes plaque build up and will remove food debris from in between the teeth to improve oral health.
If you have signs of gum disease, such as red or swollen gums, see your dentist or a periodontist (gum specialist) right away.

4.     Use a mouthwash
Some contain antibacterial agents that could kill bacteria causing unpleasant breath smell. Please note that if a dental problem is the cause of chronic bad breath, a mouth wash will only temporarily hide unpleasant mouth odor and not cure it.
5.     Brush your tongue
Brush or scrape your tongue daily to help remove bacteria.
6.     Avoiding Tobacco
Smoking might cause chronic bad breath because the tar and nicotine build up on surfaces in the mouth can leave an unpleasant smell. Also, smoking blocks saliva flow, tends to dry out your mouth and leading to the growth of bacteria.
7.     Avoid foods and beverages that cause odors on your breath
Eating or drinking certain foods and beverages such as: Garlic, Onions, Coffee, Alcoholic beverages might cause chronic bad breath.
8.     Avoid Dry Mouth
Saliva is necessary to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that may cause odor. If you suffer from dry mouth, talk to your dentist about recommending an over the counter saliva substitute or suggest sugarless gum or candy which stimulates saliva and be sure to increase fluid intake by drinking plenty of water.

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